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MACC is engaged in projects focused on discovering and demonstrating the value of cultural competence. In partnership with the Mental Health & Addiction Advocacy Coalition (MHAC), Central State University, and Ohio University, MACC is engaged in a four-part landmark study focused on quantifying disparities in the behavioral health workforce and strategies to overcome those disparities. The project is ongoing, and we look forward to releasing parts 3 and 4 soon.

Behavioral Health in Ohio: Improving Data, Moving Toward Racial and Ethnic Equity (Part 1)

This report, the first of four, highlights the need for more comprehensive behavioral health data describing the experiences of marginalized racial and ethnic groups. These groups, generally, have worse outcomes in terms of behavioral health than the White population. However, the existing data are not detailed enough to fully address the disparities. This report provides an overview including: Data that are needed and currently not available to better understand issues related to behavioral health in marginalized communities. Recommendations to inform initiatives directed at improving systems, policy, and practice that work toward equity in behavioral health in Ohio. Four partner organizations coalesced in 2022 to conduct this research, including Central State University, the Mental Health & Addiction Advocacy Coalition, Multiethnic Advocates for Cultural Competence, Inc., and Ohio University.

Behavioral Health in Ohio: Improving Data, Moving Toward Racial and Ethnic Equity (Part 2)

Finding care for mental health or substance use disorders is a challenge for many people, but marginalized groups in Ohio have the added hurdle of locating someone that shares a similar racial and/or ethnic background. Having a racial and/ or ethnic match between a patient and provider leads to more culturally appropriate and effective care. This is according to the second in a series of research reports on behavioral health and racial and ethnic equity from Central State University, Ohio University, Multiethnic Advocates for Cultural Competency and the Mental Health & Addiction Advocacy Coalition. However, in Ohio, there are not enough behavioral health professionals of color to serve marginalized communities. Increasing racial and ethnic diversity and expanding training around cultural competency for all providers will improve Ohio’s behavioral health outcomes.

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