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training description


Building Cross-Cultural Competence: C.A.R.E. Method Training

The Building Cross-Cultural Competence: C.A.R.E. Method training is ideal for participants seeking an understanding of Cross-Cultural Competence and the importance of providing Cross-Culturally competent services. During the CARE training, participants will understand MACC’s approach to cultural competence, unpack culture and its influence on perceptions, and identify strategies to increase cross-cultural competence within personal lives and organizations.  Participant-Centered Learning Objectives: 1) Begin examining personal understanding of cross-cultural competence 2) Learn strategies to engage in cross-cultural competence 3) Deepen understanding of culture’s influence in the workplace


Implementing the National Enhanced Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) Standards

This training guides healthcare organizations in developing leadership, cultural competence, and capacity to promote and sustain CLAS. It also provides recommendations on addressing language and cultural barriers to meet the needs of increasingly diverse communities, a blueprint for community engagement and recommendations for conducting community assessments. Participant Centered Learning Objectives: 1) An overview of Enhanced CLAS Standards and their application in behavioral health settings 2) Implementation strategies to promote culturally and linguistically appropriate services 3) Who should implement CLAS Standards


DEI Strategy Development 

We customize training programs to meet your organization's unique needs. Our core training curricula include CARE (Consider, Accept, Recognize, and Execute), CLAS (Culturally and Linguistically Acceptable Standards), Racial Equity, and Trauma-Informed Care. We also offer a variety of specialized training tailored for those engaging and serving marginalized communities.


Understanding Racial Equity Through Transformative Self Reflection

MACC’s Racial Equity Framework is rooted in an anti-oppressive understanding of historical policies and present-day practices. It uses social justice strategies and an Afro-futuristic approach to create an equitable future where everyone can thrive. Engaging in racial equity work requires a culturally humble approach to cross-cultural engagement and a willingness to adopt anti-racist behaviors and beliefs. Participant-Centered Learning Objectives: 1) Develop a shared understanding of common racial equity vocabulary. 2) Gain an anti-oppressive understanding of U.S. Racial History 3) Begin developing a personal inventory of anti-racist strategies and frameworks for racial equity.


Trauma-Informed Care

Understanding Trauma at an individual and collective level is vital to providing culturally competent and humble services. In this training, participants will learn the definition of trauma, adverse childhood events, the principles of trauma-informed care, and the benefits of healing-centered engagement with a specific focus on opioids and concurrent diagnosis. Participant-Centered Learning Objectives: 1) Identify the principles of trauma-informed care 2) Understand Trauma at an individual and collective level 3) Identify adverse childhood events 4) Understand the relationship between trauma, opioid use, and mental health.

Additional Trainings Include: 

  • African American Male Behavioral Health

  • Criminal Justice: Restorative Approaches to Behavioral Health 

  • Culturally Competent Care for the Latinx Community

  • Higher Education and Diversity

  • Human Resources: Cultural Competence in Service Organizations

  • Implicit and Unconscious Bias through Media

  • LGBTQIA+ 101 and 201: Strategies for Engagement and Service Delivery

  • Public Engagement and Advocacy for Marginalized Communities

“The cultural community competency workshop provided knowledge of implicit and explicit biases. Understanding we are not necessarily bound by our in our thoughts."
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